Friday, March 14, 2008

Restorations: To restore or not?

I know I'm jumping around but it is intentional because I want to share all aspects of my hobby and I can also tell you that I am still in TEST mode as I use photos and arrange text. Thank goodness Blogspot does a lot of it for me!

The first question you should ask yourself when considering a restoration is: Is this model too valuable too restore? Because the chipped Dinky Morris Oxford shown elsewhere has a two tone colour scheme it is difficult to source and I have decided not to touch it. I'm not good enough to restore models to authentic quality and even then it may be worth less. I'm new at this so I only restore scrap items bought from E-Bay or BoB (SA). As many Dinky and Corgi models can be over 50 years old, restoration is becoming popular and spares are available.

If you think about it : in twenty years time restored models may be the last survivors!
A Simple Project
The two photos above left are of the Corgi Bedford TK tractor, a common Corgi workhorse often used for tippers, circus vehicles, tankers and a car carrier. This tractor is in excellent condition and had a Chipperfields giraffe cage attached to the back by a swivelling rivet. The plastic cage was missing apart from the floor. I drilled out the base-plate rivets and removed the swivel, also removing the interior as there was a broken mirror (now on order). My efforts produced slight chipping around the hole at the rear of the chassis but this will have to be filed out to take the receiving pin of a car carrier I am restoring. The damage will be sprayed and the TK will look as good as new---ready to pull a new load.

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