Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My grading system.

Gradings: Robstoys 2008-03-10

1A: Mint/Boxed/ Rare or Scarce.
1B: Mint /NB/Rare or Scarce.
1C: Mint/Boxed/As new.
1D: Mint/NB

2A: Nearly Mint/Boxed/Rare or Scarce.
2B: Nearly Mint/NB/Rare or Scarce.
2C: Nearly Mint/Boxed/Box takes precedence.
2D: Nearly Mint/NB

3A: Used/Boxed/Rare or Scarce.
3B: Used/NB/Rare or Scarce.
3C: Used/Boxed/Box takes precedence.
3D: Used/NB

4A: Good-well used/boxed/Rare or Scarce
4B: Good-well-used/NB/Rare or Scarce
4C: Good-well used/Boxed/Box take precedence.
4D: Good-well used/NB

5A: Poor/Boxed/Rare or Scarce
5B: Poor/NB/Rare or Scarce
5C: Poor/Boxed/Box takes precedence
5D: Poor/NB

Restored models and reproduction boxes :

Restored models may gain value by having a box and rarity.
Any mint model with a repro box may lose 30-40%.
A poor model with a repro box may gain 10%
A restored model with incorrect color scheme may lose 60-80%

All the above are subject to demand and supply .
Special sets (e.g Corgi Chipperfields) will always command high prices.

NB means No Box.

My colleagues are divided over my grading system as they say it does not take supply and demand (the fickle market) into consideration. In my next post I'll include other grading systems and include more photos from my collection.

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